Pregnancy-related Back Pain

Pregnancy-related back pain refers to discomfort or pain experienced in the lower back during pregnancy, can be caused by hormonal changes, weight gain, and other pregnancy-related changes.

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Your Guide to Understanding Pregnancy-related Back Pain

Pregnancy-related Back Pain

What is Pregnancy-related Back Pain?

Pregnancy-related back pain is a common condition experienced by many pregnant women. It refers to discomfort or pain in the lower back that can range from mild to severe. This type of back pain is primarily caused by the physical changes that occur during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes numerous changes, including hormonal shifts, weight gain, and changes in posture. These changes can put additional stress on the spine and surrounding muscles, leading to back pain. As the baby grows, the center of gravity shifts forward, creating a strain on the lower back. Hormonal changes, such as increased levels of relaxin, loosen the ligaments and joints in the pelvic area, which can contribute to instability and discomfort in the lower back.

How can Chiropractic help treat Pregnancy-related Back Pain?

Chiropractic services can be highly beneficial in alleviating pregnancy-related back pain. As the body undergoes hormonal and postural changes during pregnancy, it can lead to stress on the spine and pelvic region, causing discomfort and pain.

Chiropractors specializing in prenatal care use gentle techniques like spinal adjustments, stretches, and exercises to relieve tension, improve spinal mobility, and restore balance to the pelvis. By addressing these underlying issues, chiropractic care can help reduce back pain, promote proper spinal function, and enhance overall well-being during pregnancy. It is important to note that chiropractors trained in prenatal care use specialized techniques that are safe for both the mother and baby.

What causes Pregnancy-related Back Pain?

Pregnancy-related back pain is typically caused by the physical changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. As the baby grows, it puts additional weight and strain on the lower back, which can lead to discomfort and pain. The shifting center of gravity during pregnancy also affects the posture and places extra stress on the spine and surrounding muscles.

Hormonal changes play a role as well. Increased levels of a hormone called relaxin loosen the ligaments and joints in the pelvic area, which can result in instability and contribute to back pain. These changes, combined with the natural curvature of the spine, can put pressure on the nerves and cause discomfort in the lower back.

Factors such as a history of back pain, carrying multiples, excessive weight gain, improper lifting techniques, and leading a sedentary lifestyle can further increase the likelihood of experiencing pregnancy-related back pain.

What treatments might help Pregnancy-related Back Pain?

Treatment options can help improve pregnancy-related back pain. Here are some straightforward strategies that may provide relief:

  • Practice good posture: Maintaining proper posture can help alleviate strain on the back. Sit and stand with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and avoid slouching.
  • Use the right gear: Wear supportive shoes to provide better stability and reduce stress on your back. Consider using a maternity support belt to help support the weight of your belly.
  • Lift properly: When lifting objects, bend at the knees and use your legs instead of your back to minimize strain.
  • Apply heat, cold, or massage: Using a warm compress or taking a warm bath can help relax muscles and ease discomfort. Alternatively, cold packs can numb the area and reduce inflammation. Gentle prenatal massages may also provide relief, but always consult with your doctor first.
  • Physical activity: Engaging in regular, gentle physical activity can strengthen the muscles that support your back, improve flexibility, and promote good posture. Consult with your healthcare provider for suitable exercises during pregnancy.
  • Over-the-counter medication: Acetaminophen (paracetamol) may be recommended by your healthcare provider to relieve pain if appropriate. Always follow the instructions and consult with your doctor before taking any medications.
  • Alternative therapies: Some individuals find relief through treatments such as physiotherapy, acupuncture, relaxation techniques, and yoga. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional experienced in treating pregnancy-related back pain to determine the best approach for you.

Signs of Pregnancy-related Back Pain:

The signs of pregnancy-related back pain can vary from person to person, but there are some common symptoms to be aware of. These include:

  • Ache or discomfort in the lower back area: Many pregnant individuals experience a dull ache or mild discomfort in the lower back. This can be caused by the added weight and pressure on the spine.
  • Sharp or shooting pain: Some may experience sharp or shooting pain in the back, which can radiate to the buttocks or down the legs. This may be due to nerve compression or irritation.
  • One-sided pain: Pregnancy-related back pain can sometimes be localized to one side of the lower or mid-back area. This can be caused by changes in posture or the distribution of weight.
  • Pain exacerbation with certain movements or activities: Back pain during pregnancy may worsen with certain movements, such as bending, lifting heavy objects, or standing for long periods.
  • Increased discomfort towards the end of the day: Pregnant individuals often find that their back pain becomes more pronounced as the day progresses. This can be attributed to fatigue and the accumulation of strain on the back.

Symptoms of Pregnancy-related Back Pain:

The symptoms of pregnancy-related back pain can vary, but here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Dull ache or discomfort: Many pregnant individuals experience a dull ache or mild discomfort in the lower back. This can be attributed to the added weight and pressure on the spine.
  • Sharp or burning pain: Some may experience sharp or burning pain in the lower back area. This type of pain can be localized or radiate to the buttocks or down the legs.
  • One-sided pain: Pregnancy-related back pain can sometimes be felt on one side of the lower or mid-back area. This may be due to changes in posture or weight distribution.
  • Increased pain with movement: Back pain during pregnancy can worsen with certain movements, such as bending, lifting heavy objects, or standing for extended periods.
  • Fatigue and muscle stiffness: Back pain may be accompanied by muscle stiffness and feelings of fatigue, especially towards the end of the day.
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When is the right time to see a Chiropractor for Pregnancy-related Back Pain?

The right time to see a chiropractor for pregnancy-related back pain is when you begin experiencing discomfort or pain that is affecting your daily activities and quality of life. It's generally recommended to seek care as soon as possible to address and manage the pain effectively.

If you notice persistent or worsening back pain during pregnancy, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who specializes in treating musculoskeletal issues during pregnancy. They can assess your condition, determine the underlying causes of the back pain, and develop an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Meet our Lead Chiropractor

Dr. Brett Herlehy

Dr. Brett Herlehy


Doctor of Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College

Dr. Brett enjoys working with active individuals looking to reach the next level and also anyone who is trying to incorporate more physical activity into their daily lives.

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